2 Deadly Brothers

Megumi Boys

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Youngest Brother


Rei is an Earth Water and Fire bender he is atleast 300 hears old though it doesn't show at all. He was locked up awhile ago for using his powers for evil along with his brother Shinu(who shall also be held on this page) Rei had gotten out broken out of jail awhile ago .In jail he was used as an exsperameint and truned into a zonanthrop he now inbodys the Mole Spirit with in him he can trun forms at will all he wishes he is also a hot tempered male he has a love for females a lust and a wanting even if he is unwanted


Eldest Brother


Shinu he was also locked up and is almost like his brother he formed into a bull though he didn't get out when his brother had gotten up he was sent to be exacuted the only thing is when his brother broke out he also made the Excution held giving his brother enough time to escape (things unknown) He enpowers Alchemy  has his brother is a bender he is an Alchimist .He also has a great obsession for Females Strong ones only ones that could fight him off maybe even kill him but he never fights fair any way so there hard to find

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